WG Sustainability

Challenges involving sustainability have recently gained a lot of public attention, especially due to the Fridays for Future movement. As scientists, we have a social responsibility to acknowledge the climate crisis as the currently most crucial threat to the future of our planet. Therefore, the WG Sustainability aims to develop new strategies to promote sustainable actions within the Leibniz Association and at the respective Leibniz institutes themselves. At the same time, change needs to start with small individual actions that everyone can include in their daily lives. While the climate crisis unarguably is a major topic, also other initiatives are pursued by this WG, e.g. greening of institutes or the reduction and separation of the enormous amounts of waste that many institutes produce even during routine work.

The main goals of the WG Sustainability are:

  • Systematizing information on sustainable projects at different Leibniz institutes and creating possibilities to share the know-how within the whole association.
  • Developing new strategies for sustainable actions and their communication.
  • Cooperation with existing groups and structures in the Leibniz headquarters and on N² level.
  • Planning and hosting online seminars and workshops on topics of sustainability for all doctoral researchers in the Leibniz Association.
  • Representing the voice of doctoral researchers with regard to climate and environmental issues

There is currently no coordinator for this working group.
Contact the steering committee: spokesperson[at]leibniz-phd.net