Author: Julius Petrausch

The Survey 2023/2024 is live!

The new survey is live. Request the link!

On February 2nd 2024 the new N2 Survey 2023–2024 went live. All doctoral researchers of the 96 institutes and research museums of the Leibniz Association have the opportunity to participate. The survey will be conducted until March 1st and subsequently evaluated by the working group Survey of the PhD Network.

Image of the landing page of the survey. The title of the survey is visible and it reads: "N2 Survey 2023-2024 - Leibniz PhD Network"

This year the survey covers the topics of Demographics, Working Conditions, Satisfaction, Supervison, Integration & Inclusion, Career Development, Family, Power Abuse, Mental Health and Crisis management. In the past years about 950 doctoral researchers within the Leibniz Association have participated in the survey.

Why participate? Data from this survey is used by the PhD Network and our academic institutions to identify systemic strengths and weaknesses and direct resources toward initiatives that will improve outcomes and experiences of doctoral researchers.